Gold Buyers

Laughter can Cure What Ails Ya!

We like having fun at Glitterbug. It makes the days go by faster and that much more enjoyable. Our parties Photobucketare fun, too. Who doesn’t like being around people who are making money and meeting new people? A gold buying business is fun to be part of because you’re making people happy by buying their gold jewelry. And because we pay better than our competitors our gold sellers leave with smiles on their faces. We love that.

So what has me thinking about happy people? I found this image on Facebook and it made me smile. I love the sentiment – wrinkles in the right places because of smiling. And then I thought about laughing. Who doesn’t like a big belly laugh? I’d heard that laughter could have positive effects on our health, so I did a […]

By |April 18th, 2012|Gold Buyers, Gold Parties, Home and Family, Personal Development|Comments Off on Laughter can Cure What Ails Ya!

Know, Like and Trust – Backbones of Any Business Arrangement

You’ve probably heard the phrase that people buy from those they know, like and trust.

It’s true. Have you ever bought something from someone even though your “gut” or intuition was telling you “NO!” with dire results? You can’t underestimate your instincts, or if you’re a a business owner the importance of those three seemingly little words.

So how do these play off one another? And what makes them important?Photobucket


What do your potential and current customers/clients know about you? How much of You do you reveal in your business dealings? Are you genuine when working with people or do you hide behind a persona? (It’s better to just be you.) This doesn’t mean airing all your dirty laundry, personal or business, but it does mean presenting yourself in a way that people feel they understand who you are. […]

By |March 29th, 2012|Business Building, Gold Buyers, Personal Development|Comments Off on Know, Like and Trust – Backbones of Any Business Arrangement

Do you want to start your own Glitterbug Gold Buying Business? Here are 5 Secrets to Funding your Startup.

When many people hear the term “gold buyer,” they think of a brick and mortar store like a coin dealer. That’s the beauty of the Glitterbug difference. We come to the seller, not the other way around. That’s why our parties are so successful. Another reason is because we typically pay more for gold than anyone else around. We can because our overhead is so low. (It’s also because we like to see happy faces when making monetary transactions.)

What often happens is that someone will attend a party, see how the business works – and how lucrative Photobucketthe business can be for the gold buyer – and then become interested in starting their own Glitterbug business. Does this sound like you?

However, it’s not a business you can simply jump into. It takes preparation, training and an […]

By |March 22nd, 2012|Business Building, Gold Buyers|Comments Off on Do you want to start your own Glitterbug Gold Buying Business? Here are 5 Secrets to Funding your Startup.

Gold Holiday Gifts

I went looking for gifts the other day (it IS the holiday season after all), and came across some very interesting things I thought I’d share with you. If you’re going to buy any of these keep in mind the person who told you about them!

Now, I’ll be the first to say these are the over-the-top kind of gifts. But hey, a girl can dream. 🙂

  1. 8GB Specialty USB – Gold Nugget – a mere $2,347 online (a steal)! Now you can save your data on Photobucketwhat will arguably be the poshest USB of anyone in your near vicinity. As the website states:  “For those with expensive tastes we offer a gold bar. While not a true gold bar, this may be the next best thing. A retractable a USB drive, preserves […]
By |November 24th, 2011|Gold Buyers, Home and Family, Selling Your Gold|Comments Off on Gold Holiday Gifts