We like having fun at Glitterbug. It makes the days go by faster and that much more enjoyable. Our parties Photobucketare fun, too. Who doesn’t like being around people who are making money and meeting new people? A gold buying business is fun to be part of because you’re making people happy by buying their gold jewelry. And because we pay better than our competitors our gold sellers leave with smiles on their faces. We love that.

So what has me thinking about happy people? I found this image on Facebook and it made me smile. I love the sentiment – wrinkles in the right places because of smiling. And then I thought about laughing. Who doesn’t like a big belly laugh? I’d heard that laughter could have positive effects on our health, so I did a little digging and found some information I wanted to share.

Laughing is way more fun than eating apples.

There’s a time-honored phrase, “laughter is the best medicine.” Believe it or not, it dates back to biblical times – but still makes sense for us today. That’s because laughter brings people together; it can diffuse a difficult situation; it can turn a bad situation into a good one – and it just feels good to laugh! We learn to laugh as early as 3 months old.

Laughter affects us in many ways that resonate through not just our body, but also our mind and spirit.

How laughter affects the body:

Ah endorphins. These are released in plenty when we laugh. This stimulates muscles, nerves, organs and tissues. Why is this noteworthy? Endorphins can help ease stress, improve immune system functioning and relieve chronic pain. Laughter helps heal the body!

How laughter affects the mind:

It kind of makes sense that if you’re thinking happy thoughts, you are lead naturally to a more positive outlook on life. When we’re participating in things that make us happy, like sharing a great conversation with a friend or having dinner with someone special, we feel lighter and life seems brighter and better.

But if we’re stuck with negative people or those with down attitudes, our own outlooks will eventually suffer. If this describes your life, you might consider finding new friends.

How laughter affects the spirit:

Laughter naturally lifts our spirits, helping us feel less troubled. Laughter is also contagious, so when one person in a group starts laughing, others usually follow. Shared laughter is the best!

How laughter affects relationships:

Have you ever shared a funny event with someone that had you both laughing? After that, you then shared many more moments recounting the funny event? If so, you’ve experienced the unique situation that is created when two people experience something funny together. This becomes the inside joke that’s special to (and only understood by) those who’ve shared in the moment.

PhotobucketLaughter can be the glue that holds people together. When couples spend time laughing with each other (not at), a stronger, more lasting relationship develops. Studies have shown that couples who laugh together stay together much longer and have a deeper connection. If this doesn’t describe your life right now, you can create it if you want! By choosing to embrace laughter in our lives, we’re able to get through many more rough spots and be happier and healthier.

Try to find the joy in every situation and laugh as often as you can every day. By spending time around positive, happy people, you’ll be amazed at how good you begin to feel!