Business Building

Know the Risks and Rewards Before You Leap Into Your Own Business

Today, it can be almost ridiculously easy to be in business for yourself. But being able to start a business and being fit to run it are two different things. Another thing to keep in mind is that finding the “right” work is often critical to the overall success of the venture. Understanding yourself, what motivates you and what you’re passionate about are all good places to start. (See our last two posts on finding your passion for help on that part.)

Be realistic. I’ve known people who’ve started businesses with great fanfare, pomp and circumstance only Photobucketto see them close up with a year or two. For example, owning a bed and breakfast sounds like a fantastic idea – until you realize you have to be there 24/7 to take care of your guests – or hire […]

By |June 1st, 2012|Business Building|Comments Off on Know the Risks and Rewards Before You Leap Into Your Own Business

Be Clear About Your Goals to Achieve Greater Success

PhotobucketIt’s unlikely you’d jump into your car and start driving with no explicit destination in mind – or any idea of how you’ll get there. After all, how would you know when you arrived? Instead, you’ll likely have a map, a destination decided upon and at least some idea of how you’ll get there. Obviously, the more detailed your journey, the sooner you’ll get where you want to go.

The same is true with life goals. Being clear about what you want gives clarity and direction. They help you focus squarely on what you want out of life and make positive progress to get there. It’s important to remember that you need clarity in your goals. Why? This will make it much easier for you to reach them!

When you write out detailed instructions […]

By |April 28th, 2012|Business Building, Working From Home|Comments Off on Be Clear About Your Goals to Achieve Greater Success

Know, Like and Trust – Backbones of Any Business Arrangement

You’ve probably heard the phrase that people buy from those they know, like and trust.

It’s true. Have you ever bought something from someone even though your “gut” or intuition was telling you “NO!” with dire results? You can’t underestimate your instincts, or if you’re a a business owner the importance of those three seemingly little words.

So how do these play off one another? And what makes them important?Photobucket


What do your potential and current customers/clients know about you? How much of You do you reveal in your business dealings? Are you genuine when working with people or do you hide behind a persona? (It’s better to just be you.) This doesn’t mean airing all your dirty laundry, personal or business, but it does mean presenting yourself in a way that people feel they understand who you are. […]

By |March 29th, 2012|Business Building, Gold Buyers, Personal Development|Comments Off on Know, Like and Trust – Backbones of Any Business Arrangement

Do you want to start your own Glitterbug Gold Buying Business? Here are 5 Secrets to Funding your Startup.

When many people hear the term “gold buyer,” they think of a brick and mortar store like a coin dealer. That’s the beauty of the Glitterbug difference. We come to the seller, not the other way around. That’s why our parties are so successful. Another reason is because we typically pay more for gold than anyone else around. We can because our overhead is so low. (It’s also because we like to see happy faces when making monetary transactions.)

What often happens is that someone will attend a party, see how the business works – and how lucrative Photobucketthe business can be for the gold buyer – and then become interested in starting their own Glitterbug business. Does this sound like you?

However, it’s not a business you can simply jump into. It takes preparation, training and an […]

By |March 22nd, 2012|Business Building, Gold Buyers|Comments Off on Do you want to start your own Glitterbug Gold Buying Business? Here are 5 Secrets to Funding your Startup.

Are you Marketing or Selling? Success Sunday

It used to be that sales and marketing were two distinctly different functions. Marketing was all about messaging – what to say to your target audience to entice them to look into your business further. Sales was all about . . . making sales.

Today, the lines have blurred between sales and marketing. Understanding how these two formerly different business roles have merged will be the key to keeping your business top-of-mind with prospects and current clients as well as make more sales.

In a recent blog post at Duct Tape Marketing, author Josh Jantsch outlines how these two areas have come together to change the face of business acquisition and communication. This doesn’t mean the old ways aren’t still “out there.” However, the old “tried and true” ways of doing sales and marketing work less well in the new economy, especially with the inclusion of digital mediums such as social […]

By |February 26th, 2012|Business Building, Success Sunday|Comments Off on Are you Marketing or Selling? Success Sunday

An Interview with April Allison – Success Sunday

PhotobucketRunning a business is hard work. It takes enthusiasm, energy and a great team of people to make it run smoothly. It also takes organization and time-tested processes to keep it moving forward.

April was recently interviewed by In it, she shares how she got started, her success principles and advice for new business owners. Click here to give it a read! Feel free to comment!

By |January 8th, 2012|All About April, Business Building, Success Sunday|Comments Off on An Interview with April Allison – Success Sunday

Seizing Opportunity in a Down Economy

When the economy takes a downturn, everyone suffers – or do they?

Savvy entrepreneurs look for opportunities to capitalize on areas that other people might ignore. Instead of hunkering down to weather the bad news, they study the market identifying potential areas that are ripe for development. Probably the best example of this comes from the Great Depression. During that difficult time for the U.S., more millionaires were made than at any other time in history.


The Great Depression began for a number of reasons. A big factor was too much credit being extended to businesses and individuals, which pushed the overall debt load above the available cash reserves. The credit debacle reached a critical mass and the market crashed in 1929. Companies closed leaving over-extended employees with no income. […]

By |December 9th, 2011|Business Building|Comments Off on Seizing Opportunity in a Down Economy

3 Forms of Entrepreneurial Overwhelm

Entrepreneurial overwhelm is one of the most common reasons for business failure – we don’t list it as “overwhelm” per se, but it’s the underlying cause. Overwhelm creates paralysis, it results in us searching for a “magic pill” or other quick fix and it takes our focus off what we should be doing.

Before we can begin to manage or overcome our overwhelm, we first need to identify it. What type of overwhelm are you currently experiencing? (Note that it may be, and likely is, more than one type.)

Too Much To Do

Everywhere you turn, something or someone is clamoring for your attention. You “should” send out that Photobucketsolo email, you “should” follow-up with that promising prospect, you “should” create that new program, you “should” finish your bookkeeping, and you “should” update your […]

By |October 12th, 2011|Business Building|Comments Off on 3 Forms of Entrepreneurial Overwhelm