You’ve probably heard the phrase that people buy from those they know, like and trust.

It’s true. Have you ever bought something from someone even though your “gut” or intuition was telling you “NO!” with dire results? You can’t underestimate your instincts, or if you’re a a business owner the importance of those three seemingly little words.

So how do these play off one another? And what makes them important?Photobucket


What do your potential and current customers/clients know about you? How much of You do you reveal in your business dealings? Are you genuine when working with people or do you hide behind a persona? (It’s better to just be you.) This doesn’t mean airing all your dirty laundry, personal or business, but it does mean presenting yourself in a way that people feel they understand who you are. It’s being approachable, not off-putting. Which ties well into the next point.


As Sally Field so famously said at the Oscars in 1985 – “You like me, right now! You like me!” Being liked isn’t absolutely necessary in business, but it sure helps. This doesn’t mean you need to be a pushover or give in to every demand or request of a client. It does mean being cordial, friendly and respectful of others. It could mean having a sense of humor by laughing at a client’s latest joke, which means you’re giving the other person space to be himself, too. Who knows – you may end up liking him.


This might seem obvious, but you can act one way and do things another way, crushing any hopes of building trust with someone. Don’t return phone calls in a timely manner? Forget to do something you said you’d do? Nickel and dime a client on a project? All of these things can erode trust and start a customer looking elsewhere for someone he feels more comfortable dealing with.

In the gold buying business, buyers are a dime a dozen. It seems everyone is buying gold these days – and why not? It’s a lucrative business. At Glitterbug, our focus is less on our buyers and more on our sellers. We believe the best business practices reward both. That’s why we consistently pay out higher than our competition and why our gold buyers are compensated on how much they pay out instead of how much they bring in.

We believe in ethical business practices and only hire people who think like we do. We also do a thorough background and criminal check to make sure we’re not inadvertently working with someone to represent our company that might not be of the highest caliber.

Honestly, when it comes right down to it, our sellers know, like and trust our gold buyers because our buyers embody all of the best qualities you’d want in someone who’s evaluating your gold, silver and gems … and excited to give you top dollar for any or all of them.

Are you looking to sell some gold pieces? Interested in possibly joining our team? Contact us today to learn more!