Home and Family

A Golden Turkey?

Would you eat a golden turkey?


How about a silver apple?


A German company has developed aerosol sprays that allow chefs and household cooks to “colorize” their food according to their mood (as long as your mood is satisfied with gold, silver, red or blue that is).

Sound delicious or atrocious?

It is true that chefs have been able to color food using dust-like colorings, but the aerosol delivery system is new. The spray is based with ethanol (yes, same stuff that’s added to gasoline in some states) and (not surprisingly) food dyes.

Metal isn’t a new food additive, either. It was long believed that ingesting gold had healing properties, although that claim has never been proven. Generally, the metals pass right through, […]

By |July 27th, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on A Golden Turkey?

What Does Freedom Mean to YOU?

As we celebrate this 236th Independence Day (we’re such youngsters compared to other parts of the world!), I’d like to encourage you to consider what freedom means to you.

PhotobucketI know that for me, working a 9 to 5 job was anything but freedom inspiring. I felt so trapped and never felt like I could get ahead. I hear this often from people considering becoming Glitterbug Gold Buyers. They’re tired of the rat race and simply want to get off!

Being a Gold Buyer gives you freedoms you might not otherwise have. Imagine, what would it be like to not have to send your child to a babysitter or daycare every day? What would it be like if you could pay down debt and actually afford to take a vacation without incurring additional debt? And how would it […]

By |July 2nd, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on What Does Freedom Mean to YOU?

Get that Golden Glow without Damaging your Skin

There’s plenty of information available that states tanning in the sun or in tanning booths isn’t good for you. PhotobucketWith skin cancer on the rise, being smart about sun exposure is becoming more critical each year. Because it’s summer, and because a golden tan is still the preferred summer look regardless of where you live, this post focuses on how to achieve that look from a bottle and not the sun’s harmful rays.

There’s no denying it, the sun is vital to our survival. Without it, the earth would be a cold, lifeless ball floating in the universe. The sun provides us with life-giving warmth, sunlight to grow plants and trees, works in conjustion with our bodies to increase our levels of vitamin D and promotes melanin production which, for some, produces a golden tan. But your […]

By |June 29th, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on Get that Golden Glow without Damaging your Skin

Get that Golden Glow without Damaging your Skin

There’s plenty of information available that states tanning in the sun or in tanning booths isn’t good for you. With skin cancer on the rise, being smart about sun exposure is becoming more critical each year. Because it’s summer, and because a golden tan is still the preferred summer look regardless of where you live, this post focuses on how to achieve that look from a bottle and not the sun’s harmful rays.

You can’t deny it, the sun is vital to our survival. Without it, the earth would be a cold, lifeless ball floating in the universe. The sun provides us with life-giving warmth, sunlight to grow plants and trees, works in conjustion with our bodies to increase our levels of vitamin D and promotes melanin production which, for some, produces a golden tan. But your skin, when exposed directly to the sun without some form of protection, can […]

By |June 29th, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on Get that Golden Glow without Damaging your Skin

Reduce Buying Risk with Decide.com

Did you ever wish you had a little genie on your shoulder who could advise you on the best time to buy electronics and appliances?

Well now you do. It’s called Decide.com.

The site covers a wide variety of household items from technical gadgets such as televisions, computers, home audio, video games, etc. to kitchen and small appliances.

Here’s how it works:

Let’s say you’ve decided you want to buy a new TV. You might have an idea of what you’d like, but not sure if it’s a good buy or not at the price you’re seeing. You might also be curious as to what else might fit your needs that you’ve not seen yet. To educate yourself, you query Decide.com.

After clicking the TV link, you’re greeted by a number of possible options and searchable metrics. These include price (great for the budget-conscious), brand and other things relevant to a specific […]

By |June 19th, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on Reduce Buying Risk with Decide.com

What Your Man Really Needs This Father’s Day

Have you ever noticed that when we celebrate Mother’s Day, we tell moms they have the most important job in the world?  We cheer them on and do special things for them.  On Father’s Day, we also tell men they have the most important job in the world.  Then we continue on to give them a bulleted outline on all the ways they should be doing it better.

Let’s put an end to this.

If you have children, think of all he does for them.  Maybe he takes them outside in the backyard to play ball Photobucketor teaches them to ride their bicycles. Maybe he helps them with their homework. Maybe he has epic tickle-wrestling wars on the living room carpet with the pre-schoolers, which makes you laugh as much as the children.

Let’s lead up to Father’s day […]

By |June 10th, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on What Your Man Really Needs This Father’s Day

Happy Memorial Day


Here’s to our military past and present – –

They put themselves on the line to safeguard our freedoms.

We owe them so much, a day of gratitude doesn’t seem to be enough.

By |May 28th, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on Happy Memorial Day

Laughter can Cure What Ails Ya!

We like having fun at Glitterbug. It makes the days go by faster and that much more enjoyable. Our parties Photobucketare fun, too. Who doesn’t like being around people who are making money and meeting new people? A gold buying business is fun to be part of because you’re making people happy by buying their gold jewelry. And because we pay better than our competitors our gold sellers leave with smiles on their faces. We love that.

So what has me thinking about happy people? I found this image on Facebook and it made me smile. I love the sentiment – wrinkles in the right places because of smiling. And then I thought about laughing. Who doesn’t like a big belly laugh? I’d heard that laughter could have positive effects on our health, so I did a […]

By |April 18th, 2012|Gold Buyers, Gold Parties, Home and Family, Personal Development|Comments Off on Laughter can Cure What Ails Ya!

Low Cost Valentine’s Day Ideas

Valentine’s Day is NEXT WEEK.


If you’re in a relationship, the pressure is definitely on to give some sort of gift to your sweetheart. Big or small, expensive or not, a token of your affection is appreciated on this designated day of love.

But many families, couples and singles are stressed about money. While there might be an economic recovery Photobuckethappening, most haven’t experienced it yet.

If this sounds like you, then I urge you to read on for some low cost ideas on how to spend the upcoming February 14 holiday.

However, I’d be remiss to not say that these ideas are good any time of the year. Why limit yourself to just one day?

  1. Leave a love note on your sweetie’s pillow after they leave for work. You can add a couple of mints or […]
By |February 9th, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on Low Cost Valentine’s Day Ideas

Putting Your Home’s Best Face Forward

PhotobucketWe’ve all seen it; the nice looking house that goes up for sale with a reasonable sale price. The house should sell fast but it doesn’t. In fact, it just sits on the market, becoming a liability because it has been for sale too long. In a decent housing market, there’s no excuse for a nicely appointed and well priced home to go unsold. So how does it happen? Most often, it’s because the seller wasn’t aware of how their everyday lives and belongings influence potential buyers. Solutions to the problems can be as simple as a coat of paint and as complex as wallpaper removal and new flooring. This is called “restaging.”

In today’s competitive home seller’s market, every advantage you can create for your home will put you closer to your […]

By |January 25th, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on Putting Your Home’s Best Face Forward