When many people hear the term “gold buyer,” they think of a brick and mortar store like a coin dealer. That’s the beauty of the Glitterbug difference. We come to the seller, not the other way around. That’s why our parties are so successful. Another reason is because we typically pay more for gold than anyone else around. We can because our overhead is so low. (It’s also because we like to see happy faces when making monetary transactions.)

What often happens is that someone will attend a party, see how the business works – and how lucrative Photobucketthe business can be for the gold buyer – and then become interested in starting their own Glitterbug business. Does this sound like you?

However, it’s not a business you can simply jump into. It takes preparation, training and an upfront investment. After all, if the new gold buyer doesn’t have any “skin in the game,” they might not take the business as seriously. And we want serious (and fun) business people in our mix!

So what do you get for your investment? That’s simple:

  • The right equipment. You can’t buy gold if you don’t know what you’re looking at. We’ll provide you with the best equipment available to test the gold your sellers bring to you.
  • The knowledge. All gold is not created equal. Could you spot something that’s gold plated? Do you know the differences between the different types of gold? For example, why is 24 karat gold not used in U.S. jewelry very often? We teach you what you need to know to be an informed and educational gold buyer.
  • The skills. Testing, evaluating and assessing are all acquired skills. We happily give you the skills to be successful!
  • The systems and processes of Glitterbug. Yes, we have our own way of doing things. We teach you those, too.
  • The support. We are here for you! That’s not idle chatter; we really do support our gold buyers fully. After all – your success is our success. We are behind you 100 percent.

So how do you work up your initial cash outlay if you don’t have any extra lying around? That could be easier than you think – and might result in you having NO out-of-pocket costs for your Glitterbug business startup. How cool would that be?

Here are some ideas to get you thinking:

Sell your own gold. With gold prices still at record highs, it only takes a few pieces to cover your startup costs. To make it even easier, you can skip the party and send it directly to us. We’ll provide you with a prepaid UPS label so you don’t even incur any costs for postage, plus it will be insured all the way to us!

If you don’t have any gold, you could host your own GlitterBug party and use your Hostess Cash to get started.  Our average hostess makes $350 in Hostess Cash, but it can be much more if you “work it.”

Ask friends and family to give you their old gold pieces. Send it to us (remember, we’ll cover the shipping costs), and instead of us paying them directly, we’ll pay you so you can use this money for your startup. After you earn the money back on the first one or two parties, you can pay your friends and family back.

If no one close to you has any gold to sell, then you could ask to borrow money from a friend or family member. Because you’ll be able to buy gold immediately after your one-day training, you will have the money to repay the loan in your first couple of parties.

As a last resort, you could have your credit card company lend you the money. Use your credit card (or split up between multiple cards) for the startup. Then book three parties within your 30-day billing cycle. By the time the bill is due, you’ll have the money in your account to pay it!

When you want something bad enough, you can get creative in making it happen. Being a Glitterbug gold buyer is fun and lucrative, even done on a part-time basis. People are selling their gold every day. If they don’t sell it to you, they’ll sell it to the person down the street. Someone is going to make money. Why not let it be you?