Home and Family

Agave – All Natural, Right?

A number of my friends made resolutions this year to lose weight and get in shape. One way to do this is to modify how and what you eat. Agave is becoming quite popular, but as with anything that seems to be available in stores today, there can be a dark side to this “all natural” product. The key is knowing who is packaging it and where it’s coming from. More on that below.


By |January 20th, 2012|Home and Family|Comments Off on Agave – All Natural, Right?

Animal Companions and the Holidays

Let’s face it, the holidays are stressful. Gifts to buy, decorations to hang, family issues to manage, it Photobucketcan be exhausting. It’s easy to forget that others might find it stressful, too. Like your animal companions.

Look at it from their perspective – new and unusual foods are available for snatching, abandoned yummy drinks, seasonal decorations that may look good enough to eat (or actually are good to eat!), not to mention all the new people visiting! It’s enough to put the most happy-go-lucky animal over the edge emotionally and physically. Here are some simple tips to keep your furry friends relaxed, safe and healthy during the holidays.

Food and Drink

Ah temptation. Your dog (and maybe cat) won’t have any issues having a quick nosh on something delectable that’s been left unattended. And while this might make […]

By |December 1st, 2011|Decorating Tips, Entertaining Tips, Home and Family|Comments Off on Animal Companions and the Holidays

Gold Holiday Gifts

I went looking for gifts the other day (it IS the holiday season after all), and came across some very interesting things I thought I’d share with you. If you’re going to buy any of these keep in mind the person who told you about them!

Now, I’ll be the first to say these are the over-the-top kind of gifts. But hey, a girl can dream. 🙂

  1. 8GB Specialty USB – Gold Nugget – a mere $2,347 online (a steal)! Now you can save your data on Photobucketwhat will arguably be the poshest USB of anyone in your near vicinity. As the website states:  “For those with expensive tastes we offer a gold bar. While not a true gold bar, this may be the next best thing. A retractable a USB drive, preserves […]
By |November 24th, 2011|Gold Buyers, Home and Family, Selling Your Gold|Comments Off on Gold Holiday Gifts

Buy Small, Win Big

I know I’m not the only one who feels that the December holiday season has become too commercialized and focuses on buying, buying, buying. I bet there are kids today who don’t really even understand the “real” meaning behind the holiday they celebrate because it’s hidden behind a mountain of presents. Now I love getting gifts as much as the next person, but it seems to me that if we spent more time thinking about what someone truly could use, we might change our gifting habits and the true meaning of giving would shine through. As I’ve termed it – instead of giving big presents – we instead revel in the Presence of the spirit of the season.

One way to do this is to honor the small business owner. It’s often a knee jerk reaction to head straight to the mall to shop the chain stores. But you might […]

By |November 17th, 2011|Home and Family|Comments Off on Buy Small, Win Big

Is a Part-time Job really The Answer?

I see it all the time. Money starts to get tight and people begin to resort to sometimes extreme measures to make up the shortfall.

Some start to sell off things. This isn’t a bad idea, especially if what they’re selling is of no use to them anymore – and could be useful for someone else. It becomes painful, though, when things they love, care about and cherish have to go, too.

Others begin thinking about snagging a part-time job. Not bad, I suppose, if you can find one that pays a decent wage. But that’s usually the problem with part-time work. They don’t pay well, which is why the job is part-time to begin with. When I say this to people, many will nod in agreement, but not really understand how bleak this scenario can truly be. So, let’s do a little math, shall we?

Let’s focus on just how much […]

By |November 10th, 2011|Home and Family|Comments Off on Is a Part-time Job really The Answer?

All Work and No Play…

You work hard. But all work and no play can make life a lot less fun. But spending tons on a night out might not be an option right now. So, to help you get your creative juices flowing, here are 10 cheap <ahem> inexpensive date ideas.

  1. Take in some Culture – Attend a book reading or talk at a local book store; visit a museum and linger among paintings or artifacts; attend an outdoor concert; take in a community theatre play.
  2. Go to your local park – Fly a kite; throw a Frisbee; go boating in the lake; walk hand-in-hand on the walking path; find the playground and act like kids.
  3. Go shopping – Not at the mall, but at a farmer’s market or flea market. Nothing beats fresh fruits and vegetables direct from the growers, and you never know what gem you might find at a flea market.
  4. Play in nature […]
By |September 3rd, 2011|Home and Family|Comments Off on All Work and No Play…

Relationship Triggers and What to do about Them

When you’re in a relationship with someone (significant other, co-worker, boss, child, parent, friend), it’s inevitable that you’ll consciously or unconsciously discover those hidden “triggers” that generate predictable responses. Triggers can be positive or negative, but they are most often noticed in negative circumstances. For example, you learn that if you do “X,” your partner will react in “Y” way. You might not notice this, but your subconscious does. So what happens the next time you have a disagreement? You do “X” and your partner reacts in “Y” way. A pattern is set into motion.

PhotobucketTriggers can be sneaky, and you may not have any idea that you’re contributing to the creation of a downward spiraling situation. We learn through repetition, so if you always do “X,” then you’ll always receive “Y” response.

So how do you […]

By |August 25th, 2011|Home and Family, Personal Development|Comments Off on Relationship Triggers and What to do about Them

Taking the Stress out of Meal Planning

Is the idea of a family sitting down to a meal together dead? Have we all become so busy that meals are truly served on wheels as we run from one event to another? How can this be healthy for our bodies or our psyches?

PhotobucketRecent studies suggest that more adults today are obese than at any other time in history. In fact, over 60% of us need to lose weight. It’s even worse for children. This generation of kids is expected to not outlive their parents. This unprecedented decline in children’s health is alarming.

It’s not that we all eat poorly. We also tend to not move nearly as much as we used to, which gives our bodies all the more reason to convert fuel into fat. It’s not a stretch to consider that we may […]

By |August 18th, 2011|Home and Family|Comments Off on Taking the Stress out of Meal Planning

5 Fun Family Outings that don’t Cost a Dime!

Everyone loves to have a little fun now and again. Especially kids! (And those who are still kids at heart.) But, with the cost of things these days, it’s becoming more difficult to have money on hand for fantastic family outings.

Below are some inventive and interesting ways to enjoy the time you spend with your family both indoors and outdoors without needing to have loads of money. Select a few, or invent a few of your own. Who knows? You may just begin a family tradition of fun.

Have fun blowing Bubbles

It’s easy to make your own bubbles! Just a bit of liquid dish soap and some water should do the trick. Photobucket(For younger kids, use “no tears” shampoo to make your bubble mixture.) You can fashion a bubble wand from a bit […]

By |August 15th, 2011|Home and Family|Comments Off on 5 Fun Family Outings that don’t Cost a Dime!