Have you ever noticed that when we celebrate Mother’s Day, we tell moms they have the most important job in the world?  We cheer them on and do special things for them.  On Father’s Day, we also tell men they have the most important job in the world.  Then we continue on to give them a bulleted outline on all the ways they should be doing it better.

Let’s put an end to this.

If you have children, think of all he does for them.  Maybe he takes them outside in the backyard to play ball Photobucketor teaches them to ride their bicycles. Maybe he helps them with their homework. Maybe he has epic tickle-wrestling wars on the living room carpet with the pre-schoolers, which makes you laugh as much as the children.

Let’s lead up to Father’s day encouraging our men, not breaking them down or doing what we women do best…trying to change and improve them (come on ladies, fess up!).

Here are three easy ways to build your man up – make him feel like your knight in shining armor.  Have you heard the saying “a happy wife is a happy life”?  Well, it goes the other way around, too.

With this in mind, what can you do to show your gratitude and love by making this Father’s Day especially meaningful for him?  It’s not as easy as buying that tie on sale at Macy’s, but it will bring him much more joy.  And it’s free, too.

I know we’re busy (and usually tired).  We’re already giving ourselves to our children, jobs, communities, organizations, hobbies, and more.  As women, we often know we ought to do more for our husbands.  So let’s take this opportunity that Father’s Day provides as an excuse to actually do what we know we’re supposed to do!

Here are 4 easy ways you can give your husband the gift of YOU.


Do your eyes light up when your husband walks into the room? Do you still laugh at his jokes? Is he the one you turn to when you’re upset or worried? Men need to be needed and want to be wanted.

Loving your husband passionately is one of the greatest gifts you can give him. It’s about a lot more than feelings.  Love is a choice we can make by the thoughts we think, the time we invest and the decisions we make.


How often do you focus on your husband and nothing else? How often do you set aside the chores and your own hobbies and interests to just spend time with him? We can argue all we want about the busyness of life and the number of things vying for our attention each day, but it doesn’t change the fact that you can honor your husband by making a little bit of time to be together without distractions.

Look him in the eyes to show him you are really listening. Show interest in the things he shares with you. Pay attention to his wants and likes and surprise him with an unexpected gift from time to time.


Yes, it’s a step in the right direction to show your love and pay attention to him.  But are you showing him respect? Respect his decisions. Respect his parenting. Respect his efforts. Respect him as a person.


Intimacy takes many forms other than sex.  Intimacy is the ability to share your deepest secrets, your embarrassing fears, and your dreams that may sound kind of silly to others. Intimacy is knowing each other better than anyone else does. But intimacy also includes sex and it’s important.  Make time for it.  Hold hands, cuddle, hug, be playful, and try something new.  It will probably rock his world!

Happy Father’s Day to ALL our men who take care of us and love us, just as we are.