Now I realize that you’re probably just as busy as I am on a daily basis. And that although you may have interest in certain things, there’s just not enough time in the day for everything! That’s why I want to shed some light on an opportunity that might be available to you right now.

Do you have any old silver jewelry, or some old coins perhaps? If you do, read on. And if you don’t, maybe you have some family or friends that have silver. We often inherit items from family members or have purchased things many years ago and tucked them away for safekeeping. Now is a good time to evaluate whether it’s better to keep them…or sell them for windfall profits and good CASH.

Did you know that the price of silver has skyrocketed in the last few months? The value has increased to approximately $47 per ounce! To give you comparison, it was $4.07 back in late 2001. Not only that, but we’ve seen such a severe jump in the last 4 months – over 40% increase. Wow.

Let me give you an example.  Last year here at GlitterBug Gold Parties, we typically paid a customer around $6 to $8 for a thick chunky silver bracelet. With the value of silver being so high right now, we can almost DOUBLE that. If you have multiple pieces, you’re looking at a nice chunk of change. Most silverware, trays and other pieces used for entertaining are typically silver plated, but there are other items that are made of solid silver, too. Let us take a look and we can tell you.

The biggest payout for you will be selling your scrap gold, especially at one of our gold parties.  But I hope I’ve shown you a good reason not to forget that silver!  If you’re hosting a GlitterBug gold party soon, tell your friends to bring their silver. That will increase your 10% host commission and contribute to your Coach Club points (our host rewards program that lets you redeem points for 100% authentic Coach handbags)!  If you don’t have an upcoming party, then we can also help you with that if you’re interested.