So, even though we specialize in gold parties here at GlitterBug…we also buy diamonds. As a matter of fact, we’re one of the few gold party companies that DO buy diamonds!

In learning how to check the quality and estimate the market value of a diamond, I thought this information might be valuable to you when either selling your gold jewelry (hopefully at one of our gold parties!), or buying a new piece from a jeweler. Or you might just want to know what they’re worth…just to know. No matter what your goal, determining the value of this precious gem is complicated and there are lots of factors.

You need to be a relatively knowledgeable consumer to determine not only what quality you are willing to pay for, but whether or not the jeweler is asking too high a price. As with anything, you can get very detailed in your research, but you really only need to know FOUR basic things to estimate the value of the diamond. You also need to be familiar with certain terminology (a.k.a. “lingo”) when having discussions with a professional. Using the correct terminology lets the seller know you are educated, and can’t be taken advantage of.

Diamond jewelry is the royalty among all gems. As such, assessing the value and quality of this gemstone had been refined to almost an exact science and a very fine art for hundreds of years now. Today, dealing in diamonds either as an ardent admirer (wearing one) or as an astute trader, you should know 1) the four C’s, 2) how to tell if a diamond is fake, 3) the anatomy of a diamond, and 4) the most popular cuts.

Tomorrow we’ll start with the FOUR C’s and help you along 🙂

April Allison
CEO & Founder
