No, that’s not a rhetorical question.

The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, which is in charge of FRED, the economics data and chart site have finally added gold into the database. This now means you can look at the price of gold as it relates to a huge number of other factors, like the price of housing.Photobucket took some time to create a few interesting charts that incorporate this new gold learning. Truthfully, they did it just because they could, but the results are pretty interesting…like what your house is worth in gold (warning:  it’s a little depressing).

They did comparisons among other economic factors, too, which illustrates the proportions or, in some cases, inverse proportions that these factors have with the price of gold. No surprise – when the dollar is down, gold is up. That’s old news and good for gold buyers and sellers!

You can access their blog post and charts here. Leave a comment – let me know what you think.