Investing in Gold

White is HOT – Yellow is NOT

As jewelry fashion trends go, white gold is HOT. Yellow gold is still fashionable, but white gold has even overtaken the wedding market, surpassing platinum as the “silver” ring of choice. Have you ever wondered what makes white gold…well, white? Did it start out that way from the ground, is it manufactured, or just plain yellow gold that is coated with a white metal?  Read on for the answer.

In its natural state, gold is a very soft, very yellow metal. All newly discovered gold is 24 karat, its purest form. But in this state, its softness makes it too soft and unreliable for every day wear. In the U.S., we like our gold harder. Then our investment can stand the test of time and retain its original beauty far longer than if it was made of a purer form of gold.

To enhance the strength and durability of […]

By |April 9th, 2012|Buying Jewelry, Investing in Gold|Comments Off on White is HOT – Yellow is NOT

The Gold Spot

Gold has been prized for its beauty and recognized as a valuable and rare commodity. Civilizations have Photobucketeven been destroyed for gold. That shiny yellow metal that resists rust and corrosion is prized today not only for its beauty in art and jewelry, but also for its use in medical and electronic devices. In other words, gold isn’t just prized because it’s pretty.  It serves great function in our society as well.

Given that gold is a finite resource, its value is determined by the whims of the marketplace.  It may surprise you to learn there are actually five variables that contribute to the market price of gold.

1. U.S. Dollar Value

The U.S. dollar has an inverse relationship to the price of gold. As gold prices increase, the value of the dollar decreases. A strong […]

By |November 1st, 2011|Gold Prices, Investing in Gold|Comments Off on The Gold Spot