Today, it can be almost ridiculously easy to be in business for yourself. But being able to start a business and being fit to run it are two different things. Another thing to keep in mind is that finding the “right” work is often critical to the overall success of the venture. Understanding yourself, what motivates you and what you’re passionate about are all good places to start. (See our last two posts on finding your passion for help on that part.)

Be realistic. I’ve known people who’ve started businesses with great fanfare, pomp and circumstance only Photobucketto see them close up with a year or two. For example, owning a bed and breakfast sounds like a fantastic idea – until you realize you have to be there 24/7 to take care of your guests – or hire others who will do that for you. It’s much more labor intensive than people realize.

That’s why I love Glitterbug Gold Parties as a business. It’s almost crazy simple, and has a low-cost entry fee that makes it affordable for most people. Gold is still at record highs and the experts predict that won’t change any time soon. If you’ve been thinking about starting a gold buying business, now is the perfect time – you haven’t missed the boat!

Not everyone is cut out to be a gold buyer, and we do have a screening process to help you determine if it makes sense for you. Here are some additional tips to help you figure out if owning your own business makes sense for you.

First, evaluate your current circumstances. If you’re dissatisfied, try to figure out why. It might be that a bit of tweaking can make your current work acceptable – even fun – again. But if not, knowing why you’re unhappy will help in understanding what WILL make you happy.

Next, consider what kind of work you want to do. Explore all the options that seem attractive. You can identify franchises to buy, businesses to start on a shoestring, work that capitalizes on existing skills, businesses that require it to be a family affair. There are so many options it can be a bit unnerving. A great way to explore your options is to work in industries you find interesting. Ask if you can shadow someone for a day or two. Consider taking a part-time job to get your feet wet. Nothing tells you whether you’ll like something or not by actually living it.

Understand your budget and how quickly you’ll be able to make a move into your dream work. You may have to moonlight for a while to build up reserves that allow you to finally quit your day job. It’s better to make the shift on solid footing than attempt to run a fledgling business that isn’t providing needed income.

Determine if you need additional education. Learning on the job is fine, but if you need specialized knowledge, get it first, then start your business. You will lose credibility if you leap too soon with too little information.

Friends and family can be great supports or they can be your biggest critics. Be mindful of your dream and take their advice with a grain of salt. Make sure you have someone you can depend on to talk with you about where you’re going and what you’re doing objectively without the emotional charge. It can be hard moving into something new with little support on the home front. If this is your situation, don’t despair. Keep connected to your goal and stay in touch with people who do believe in what you’re doing.

Being your own boss is rewarding, but not without risks. Evaluate them fully; be sure you understand all the fine print and what your commitment must be to achieve success before you consider telling your boss to “take this job and shove it.”