It used to be that sales and marketing were two distinctly different functions. Marketing was all about messaging – what to say to your target audience to entice them to look into your business further. Sales was all about . . . making sales.

Today, the lines have blurred between sales and marketing. Understanding how these two formerly different business roles have merged will be the key to keeping your business top-of-mind with prospects and current clients as well as make more sales.

In a recent blog post at Duct Tape Marketing, author Josh Jantsch outlines how these two areas have come together to change the face of business acquisition and communication. This doesn’t mean the old ways aren’t still “out there.” However, the old “tried and true” ways of doing sales and marketing work less well in the new economy, especially with the inclusion of digital mediums such as social media.

Check out the article here. In it, he discusses a variety of topics, listed below.

  • Prospecting for clients means listening
  • Presenting is less about selling and more about educating
  • Sharing information means sharing insights
  • Telling stories is the new way to nurture clients – current and prospective
  • Hard closes are a thing of the past; now it’s all about the relationship

Basically, his conclusion is that if you’re marketing and selling for your business, you are a one-stop-shop for all things that relate to communications in your business. And when you really think about it, it’s all about the relationship.

How can you apply this to your Glitterbug business? Give us your thoughts below.