
This article is a continuation of the Success Sunday post earlier this week.
These last four points speak to the importance of planning and creating a bigger vision for your business – and taking care of yourself in the process.
  1. Avoid the Shiny Object Syndrome. All too often, solopreneurs and entrepreneurs will see new, exciting and different information that catches their eye and piques their curiosity. You may have had this happen to you. A new way of managing your business pops up in your inbox; a new success formula guaranteed to help you make money shows up in an ezine you’ve subscribed to; a friend recommends a guru who will help you take your business to the next level . . . all these and more can happen. There’s nothing wrong with any of these things. The problem comes in when you stop focusing on your business and begin trying every new thing you see. Jumping from program-to-program isn’t a formula for success – it’s a recipe for business disaster. That’s why #1 above is so important. Create a plan and stick to it. Sure, you can try out new things, just be certain they are in line with your goals and will help you move toward them, not simply distract you.
  2. Be confident in your knowledge. It’s easy to look at the success of others and compare yours to theirs. If you aren’t at the level of someone else, don’t despair or beat yourself up. Everyone has a learning curve and you’ll have to work through yours just as the more successful person has. Remember that you bring your own unique perspective and presence to your business. People will want to work with you because of who you are and, eventually, the reputation of your company. Delight in the learning process and show up with confidence!
  3. Celebrate your successes. Taking the time to celebrate the wins and victories in your business is just as important following your plan. Pausing to acknowledge a great job, big sale, new client, getting your taxes done – whatever – gives you the opportunity to “up” the positive energy quotient in yourself and your business. Those feelings of success are important to remember (and celebrating helps cement them into your memory), especially when things aren’t going as well as you’d like. You can go back to those hopeful, celebratory and happy memories to bolster your confidence and keep you moving forward.
  4. Take time to play. All work and no play will make you cranky, crabby and no fun to be around. Play re-energizes and gives your brain a chance to think about something else other than your business. It’s also a great way to stay connected with friends and family.

Which of these resonates most with you? Can you see where you can improve in your business and where you might need some help?