Its official – summer is here. I don’t know about where you live, but here in Southern California, it’s hot, hot, hot!  The summer months are a different time of the year; schedules shift, daylight seems endless and the outdoors beckons. The way you live during the rest of the year might not apply during summer. Now I love singing the blues (because I love to sing), but doing a little advance planning can have you singing summer’s praises instead of the blues.

For those activities you know you’ll be doing a lot (baseball/softball games, trips to the pool, concerts in the park, etc) designate a place in your home to keep any equipment together. This will not only prevent things from being strewn about the house, but makes it a snap to get ready and less stressful, too. We try to practice this at our house, but it’s easier said than done.  With a 6 and 10 year old underfoot, a pack rat husband (although I love him dearly), and me (a self-proclaimed clutter bug), it’s hard to keep everything together. But we try!

Speaking of going to the pool …we make good use of the pool in our neighborhood during summer.  If you’re at the pool a lot, make sure to include sunscreen in your bag. Even if you tan, sunscreen helps prevent skin damage in the deeper layers. It’s these layers that uncover as you age, making your skin look weathered, leathery and wrinkled (and seriously, who wants that?!!!). In fact, sunscreen, while critical when you’re near water, is a necessity any time you’re in the sun. If you’re not sure of what to buy, check out these sunscreen ratings at I’m actually really glad I wrote this article this month because last time I checked Consumer Reports for the best sunscreen, Neutrogena was ranked as the highest.  Now I’m looking and its way at the bottom of the list, and not the type I have been buying.  So thanks everyone, I’m going to switch brands now.

With kids around, work-from-home and stay-at-home moms become all too familiar with the cries of, “I’m bored!” and “There’s nothing to do!” Gee…ever hear that?  Try sitting down with your kids and mapping out a list of things they could be doing – inside and outside. Once you have a list compiled, then pull out a calendar and begin to pencil things into a schedule. Doing this will give everyone things to look forward to and demonstrate that there are, in fact, many things to do if you put your mind to it!

And since you’re putting a schedule together, you might consider adding in some chores for them to do, too. Whoo hoo!  I’m all for this one.  By scheduling chores, you can also set up a “When-Then” expectation. It works like this: “When you finish sweeping the kitchen floor, then we’ll be able to pack up and visit the pool.” This is not necessary for every chore, but helps with motivation, especially if the outcome is a coveted event (and the chore is one you have difficulty getting them to do).

Since we’re still talking schedules, don’t forget to schedule time with your significant other and/or friends. Summer is the consummate time for relaxing, cookouts, sidewalk cafes and leisurely outdoor strolls. And while it’s great to spend time with your kids, do make time to play with the adults in your life, too.

Have fun with your planning – and even more, have a fun summer!