So What IS Behind Door #3?

If there’s one thing that can be said for Americans, we like our Stuff. Yes, that’s Stuff with a capital “S.”

In fact, some of us have so much Stuff that we can’t even keep in it our own home. So we rent a storage unit for our Stuff. Think about this for a minute. If you have things you’re not using, things that have outlived their usefulness for you, things that you might use “someday” (but someday never comes), does it really make sense to, essentially, go rent it a home to live in while you decide what to do with it?

I think not. And yet that’s what nearly 10 percent of Americans do these days. That’s a lot of extraneous Stuff taking up valuable space, not to mention dollars.

I have to admit that although I don’t have to rent a storage unit for my own personal Stuff, I do have a nice big warehouse attached to my office here that is currently housing a lot of my Stuff!

  • I’ve got baby stuff. I feel compelled to admit to you that my youngest is 6 and I certainly don’t plan on having more…so what do I need this for?
  • Bins of clothes that I can sadly say I will never fit into again. But you never REALLY know, do you? What if I magically drop 30 pounds and have nothing to wear?
  • Christmas decorations and other holiday Stuff. Hey wait…aren’t these necessities?
  • Stuff that I replaced, but Stuff that’s still good! I just need to find these things a good home. I hate throwing good Stuff away.

How much Stuff do you have in your garage? Can you actually park your car in there? I can’t. How about up in the rafters, your attic, basement, storage shed or unit, under the bed, closets, extra rooms, and I could go on.

How did this happen?   Tune in tomorrow…